We have friends and partners across the world who will be able to vouch for us and help you clarify any doubts or concerns you may have. Please feel to contact us directly or any of our friends and partners.
We also work in Bhutan with various community groups and Civil Service Organizations (CSOs) who work on women empowerment and Community Based Sustainable Development activities in Bhutan. Some of the notable ones are;
- Haa Valley Women’s Community Based Sustainable Tourism Project – Mrs. Kencho Dem and her Family, Haa Talung, Bhutan. Soenam Zingkhag Heritage Hotel.
- Phobjikha Women’s Group and Mrs. Pasang Zangmo Homestay.
- We can also set up field visits and talks with the office and beneficiaries of women based organizations.

Ashley Nesbitt
Mountain Kora

Sangay Dhendup Tshering, Australia

Jiang Molin
Shanghai, China

Phobjikha Women’s Group and Mrs. Pasang Zangmo Homestay

Sonal and Asit Vidyarthi
Bangalore, India

Robert Bob Dillman

Christian Haas and Phillip Thumser
Stuttgart, Germany

Haa Valley Women’s Community Based Sustainable Tourism Project – Mrs. Kencho Dem and her Family, HaaTalung, Bhutan.
Dr.- Ing. Klaus Jorde
Ferdinand-Raunegger-Gasse 26, A-9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
email: klaus.jorde@kjconsult.net, phone/fax: +43 463 204701, mobile: +43 664 2429748
Nathan Chase and Alison
Vancouver, BC, Canada, nathanaichase@gmail.com
Penelope Jane Shaw
Arcata-Mckinleyville, Humboldt, California, USA. penelopeshaw98@gmail.com